Sunday, April 28, 2019

Wisconsin Dells Convention Hosting Stage II - Marketing Area As A Product

The Village of Lake Delton has given the Kalahari Resort 10 million publicly collected dollars to build a convention center ( 212 thousand Square Feet) capable of serving large regional - national groups.  The Village of Lake Delton is providing financial incentives for franchise hotel operators to locate in the Wisconsin Dells area.  The Village of Lake Delton is providing financial incentives for property owners to construct temporary housing on their land.  The Village of Lake Delton is clearing land to construct a larger law enforcement building that will be closer to the new convention center.  These local initiatives to grow the economy are being called stage II of the convention hosting industry.

The Wisconsin Dells area must import their labor from out of the Country which creates a higher per employee cost.  This contributes to the higher than normal rate of lease failures across the Wisconsin Dells area.  This means many of the business modals being advertised may not even be operational.  Non-local convention organizers will need to know this information to properly serve a large group that is considering the Wisconsin Dells option for their gathering.

Extreme weather plays a role in the availability of  todays Wisconsin Dells business modals.  Flooding interferes with boat and duck attractions.  Lightening and straight line winds interfere with golf outings.  Severe summer heat requires County organized cooling stations.   Rain can interfere with the delivery of outdoor entertainment.  Non-local convention organizers will need to know amenity options when weather interferes to properly serve a large group that is considering the Wisconsin Dells option as a location  for their gathering.

Business modals are supported by large populations from the J1VISA Program which creates a global community in the Wisconsin Dells area.  Local customs, cultures, and communication are consistently evolving.  Non-local convention organizers will need to know this changing dynamic to properly serve a large group that is considering the Wisconsin Dells area option for their gathering.

Public services like law enforcement are being challenged to strengthen their presence with the consistently growing population.  Visitors can expect to see more law enforcement with stronger local regulatory policy that drives interactions aimed at assuring safety.  This includes the growing number of private security providers serving the community.  Non-local convention organizers will need to know this information to properly serve a large group that is considering the Wisconsin Dells area option for their gathering.

Roadways across the Wisconsin Dells area are utilized by vehicles, bicycles, joggers, scooters, walkers, skate boarders, all terrain utility carts, farm equipment, military ducks, lawn tractors, semi trucks and more.  Traffic can move slow and roadways can at times seem inappropriate for automobiles.  Non-local  convention organizers will need to know this information to properly serve a large group considering the Wisconsin Dells area option for their gathering.

Wisconsin Dells Conventions HUB Stage II is an online community resource that creates visibility for insightful elements deemed significant to non- local convention organizers and group members considering the Wisconsin Dells option for their gathering.  The Wisconsin Dells area has entered stage II of the convention hosting industry.

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