Monday, April 22, 2019

Wisconsin Dells Convention Hosting Stage II - Fastening Public Interventions

The Village of Lake Delton has given the Kalahari Resort 10 million publicly collected dollars to build a convention center ( 212 thousand square feet) capable of serving large regional - national groups.  This is expected to attract a huge new population of shared customers in to the Wisconsin Dells area.  This creates a large need for additional individual workers from the J1VISA Program.

The Wisconsin Dells area is completely dependent upon more and more J1VISA Program workers to staff local business operations.  The Village of Lake Delton is providing financial incentives for property owners who construct housing for temporary J1VISA Program workers on their land.  This housing must be built and maintained by collecting a high percentage of the J1VISA Program workers wage.  The need for additional housing for temporary work staff is fastened to the public intervention of funding the new convention center.

The Kalahari Resort convention center is so large they lack the hotel rooms to properly serve the group members needing over night stays.  The Village of Lake Delton is providing financial incentives for franchise hotel operators to locate in the Wisconsin Dells area.  The operator of the La Quinta Del Sol Hotel has been gifted 1.8 million dollars from the Village of Lake Delton to locate along the Wisconsin Dells Parkway.  The need for additional franchise hotel operations is fastened to the public intervention of funding the new convention center.

The Kalahari Resort convention center is expected to attract large groups - residents are comparing this to the past annual gatherings of the World Wide Church of God.  With more people coming in to the area - their is a stronger need for law enforcement.  The Village of Lake Delton is constructing a new law enforcement building along Miller and Alcan which will be closer to the convention center.  The need for additional law enforcement staff is fastened to the public intervention of funding the new convention center.

Alcan Drive runs along the chosen location of the new La Quinta Del Sol franchise hotel and the new law enforcement building site.  The Village of Lake Delton has authorized the funding of the replacement of Alcan Drive.  This will facilitate a roadway to serve the guests that will stay at the new La Quinta Del Sol Hotel and the staff and visitors using the new law enforcement building.  The need for the replacement of Alcan Drive is fastened to the public intervention of funding the new convention center.

This is public resources being invested in private enterprise to grow the local economy.  Tracking the development of these publicly funded initiatives will be instrumental in the expense calculation utilized to properly price the convention center space.  Simply - the price a group will pay to hold their gathering in the Kalahari Resort Convention Center is directly related to the cost of performing these public interventions.  The Kalahari Resort convention center is expected to become operational in the final quarter of 2019.  The Wisconsin Dells area has entered stage II of the convention hosting industry.

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