Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cerner Gets Federal VA Electronic Health Records System Contract

Cerner has landed the huge Federal Veterans Administration contract to transition the electronic health records system over to MHS Genesis System.  This is expected to benefit both Veterans and contracted providers working with the VA.

The old electronic health care records system was Vista which has been successfully utilized for decades.  This new  system assures an individual record , no longer will the VA operate from more than one individual record.

This will improve the speed at which claims can be processed in 2 ways:

1. The individual Veteran initiating a claim

2. The contracted provider seeking payment for service

This will connect the Veteran to the care they need faster.  This will also assure a contracted provider will be compensated in a timely manner for the performance of service. 

The investment in this new electronic health records is necessary to increase the number of providers willing to contract with the Veterans Administration.  This is an essential piece of assuring the individual Veteran deemed eligible is able to find a provider to serve their authorized needs.

Home Care Path as an integrated senior living solutions organization in Wisconsin will be tracking the implementation of the MHS Genesis System for the purpose of aligning our claims process. Home Care Path delivers supportive care across a large region of rural landscape making its service a valuable asset to the larger Veterans Adminstration system.

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds delivers a service that fixes an individuals credit report to improve their borrowing outcome.  Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds works with the information on file to improve the presentation of an individuals credit report.

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Take a first peek https://www.homecarepathdementiasupport.com/en/infos/about at the open structure designed to strengthen a families access to the help they need in real time.  Families can list their need and support partners can list their availability.  This concise application exists to save families precious time and resources they so desperately need to effectively care for their loved one.

Home Care Path is Wisconsin's Senior Living Solutions  Organization successfully helping families since 2010.  Simply call or text 608-432-4286 to begin.

Elder Care Assistants - RN Care Planning
Home Pet Visits - Reducing Home Contents
Condo Clean - Credit Repair Nerds
  Digital Dementia Support Market Place

Home Care Path is a well known provider of non-medical supportive home care .  A non-medical supportive home care worker typically helps the elder with anything a family member would do if they were home.   The non-medical in home supportive care worker is called a senior support partner, and works with a registered nurse. 

Home Care Path has been successfully delivering in home supportive care services for Wisconsin families since 2010.  As a community partner Home Care Path administration has worked diligently to keep the hourly rate for in home supportive care low.  The 2016 hourly rate is 20.00 per hour, and this is expected to help families retain more money for the household budget.  Call or text 608-432-4286 to contact Home Care Path supportive care staff

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