Friday, May 31, 2019

Wisconsin Dells Convention Hosting Stage II - Memorial Day Parade Tradition

The Village of Lake Delton has given the Kalahari Resort 10 million publicly collected dollars to build a convention center ( 212 thousand square feet) capable of serving large regional - national groups.  The staffing of these resort business modals requires more and more individuals who travel to come from outside of the Country to help.

The Wisconsin Dells area is now populated with thousands of work experience travelers who come from outside of the Country through the J1VISA Program to support local tourism efforts.  Our daily interactions change the local culture and customs of the Wisconsin Dells area.

The Wisconsin Dells area has evolved in to a global community - this challenges media like the Wisconsin Dells Events Newspaper to publish stories that will appeal to a larger portion of the population.

The community is noticing stories like High Rock Celebrating 15 years of memories and Noah's Ark Celebrating 40 years of memories were printed - while the Memorial Day Parade was passed over by the Wisconsin Dells Events Newspaper.  This is a clear example of change to the traditional culture and customs of the Wisconsin Dells area.

The Newspaper stories on High Rock and Noah's Ark carry a stronger appeal to a higher percentage of the Wisconsin Dells population than the traditional Memorial Day Parade Stories.  The audience for these media products now includes a lot of people traveling from across the globe to come in to Wisconsin Dells to support local tourism efforts.  The Wisconsin Dells area has entered stage II of the convention hosting industry.

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