Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Wisconsin Dells Convention Hosting Stage II - Who Gets Next 10 Million Dollars

The Village of Lake Delton has given the Kalahari Resort 10 million publicly collected dollars to build a convention center ( 212 thousand square feet) capable of serving large regional - national groups.  This is the investment of public resources for a private business modal that creates a physical location in the Wisconsin Dells area.

This has caused the Wisconsin Dells residents and business owners to question who will receive the next 10 million dollar gift through the Village of Lake Delton.  This is the community expecting the internal process of gifting publicly collected money to private business modals to become much more transparent.  Publishing the gifting process could reduce concern with unbalance and proper stewardship of publicly collected money.

The residents explain that they clearly understand the unbalance with these public services consistently conducting benefits throughout the community to raise money.  The community now understands that when the Village of Lake Delton gives a business operator 10 million publicly collected dollars - well that operator could donate 10 million dollars to the building of the new high school and still not have given a red cent of their own money.  Is this to divert funds that are collected under specific regulations only to have a family member later donate to a public service - getting around the policy.

The community is looking toward a published process that defines the qualifying characteristics required for a business operator to receive the next huge 10 million dollar gift of publicly collected money for creating a physical location in the Wisconsin Dells area. This is essential for the acting administration of the Village of Lake Delton to demonstrate evidence of performing the tasks that assure good stewardship of publicly collected money.

This will seem at first a bit uncomfortable for the older committee members who have become used to performing the distribution of publicly collected money in a less transparent manner.  Administrative committee members for the Village of Lake Delton must get beyond their discomfort and publish the process that will assure the gifting of public money to private business operators who create a physical location in the Wisconsin Dells area can continue.

This is about defining the gifting process so the distribution of 10 million dollar gifts can continue for private business operators who agree to create a physical location in the Wisconsin Dells area.  The Wisconsin Dells area has entered stage II of the convention hosting industry.

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