Monday, February 18, 2013

PATH ALONG Readmission Risk Assessment

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model spells out an assessment that can indicate an inherent risk for a hospital readmission.  If the patient experiences one of the following 3 assessments the risk for a readmission is too strong to ignore. 

1. The person has a history of a hospital readmission

2. The person has a diagnosis for a chronic disease (COPD, Diabetes, CHF) and a change in physical function

3. The person has a diagnosis for a chronic disease (COPD, Diabetes, CHF) and a change in cognition

Any of the three can measurably elevate the risk for a hospital readmission.   PATH ALONG helps the community manage the risk.   Regulations flowing from (CMS) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid cause the loss of reimbursement with excessive hospital readmissions to progressively increase on an annual schedule.   A larger percentage of the total population in a rural community hospital location typically uses Medicare and Medicaid as a pay source.  Unchecked readmissions in a hospital caring for a rural community can mean the loss of a location.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model helps seniors during the hospital stay and outpatient treatment visits.  PATH ALONG is a strong arm of Home Care Path ( a community based organization commited to performing a service that supports the changing needs of an older population. 

Call 608-432-4286 to schedule service. Email
Check out the site below with free access for more information


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