Friday, February 22, 2013

PATH ALONG Care Transition Includes Supportive Care

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model is unique in the inclusion of the supportive care aspect of an inpatients needs.  PATH ALONG is an original model that connects inpatient providers to community staff who support the patient during health system transitions. PATH ALONG is a design that reduces hospital readmission rates.

In the hospital setting a patient will receive the help of varied departments who share the suportive care aspect of the persons ongoing needs.

1.  A hospital nurse aide will help the senior with bathing, dressing, scheduled toileting, medication reminders, transfers, ambulation, hair care, oral care, and more.

2. A hospital dietary assistant will help with meal selection, preperation, serving, feeding, frequent fluids, washing dishes, and between meal snacks.

3. A hospital housekeeper will help with cleaning table tops, arranging furniture, taking garbage out, plant care, cleaning the bathroom, helping with messy spills and accidents.

Hospital discharge planners are challenged to determine the amount of supportive care needed to keep the senior safe once they exit the hospital setting.  Some hospital staff struggle with the referral for supportive care knowing it is private pay.   Long term care insurance is a privately paid plan that would help with in home supportive care needs.  Family Care and the Wisconsin Partnership Program are public plans that would help with in home supportive care needs.

Home Care Path  ( is a supportive care organization that provides service through private pay,  long term care insurance, and contracts on an individual basis with (CMO) Care Management Organizations that are State of Wisconsin authorized to work with Medical Assistance.

The PATH ALONG model works with south central Wisconsin hospital emergency departments to facilitate a rapid supportive care connection.  This is most important when an elder is seen in the emergency room and the provider is considering an outpatient observational stay that may result in the senior privately paying for the hospitalization.  The emergency department staff is hesitant to send the elder home alone but they do not meet the required hospital admission assessment criteria.  If the senior stays over night in the hospital as an outpatient on observational status, a Medicare audtitor in a future review may deem the stay unnecessary and deny payment.  The hospital claims department then sends the bill for the stay to the senior who really does not understand what just happened. 

A hospital emergency department  collaborating with the PATH ALONG model could send the senior home with supportive care.  The staff would provide a close connection to the emergency room department, quickly returning to the facility should the seniors condition worsen.    This is an advanced delivery of a supportive care service.  PATH ALONG service continually evolves to meet the changing needs of an older population.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model helps seniors during the hospital stay and outpatient treatment visits.  PATH ALONG is a strong arm of Home Care Path a community based organization commited to performing  a service that supports the changing needs of an older population.

Call 608-432-4286 to schedule service. Email
Check out the site below with free access for more information


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