Thursday, December 10, 2015

Home Care Path Biz Op Imagine New Solutons 2 Long Term Care

Home Care Path is creating a business opportunity license as a different kind of solution to stay ahead of the changes taking place in the delivery of long term elder care.

Q. When did you start Home Care Path and how has it evolved?
A. Home Care Path was started in 2010 as a service to help elders residing in hard to serve rural areas. The Home Care Path Biz Op is an evolution to our operating model designed to facilitate a transformation of the current delivery culture and strengthen network capabilities.

Q. What were some of the challenges of starting a company from scratch?
A. One of the hardest things was serving a more engaged and connected population.  We now understand we are serving more autonomous consumers who are self directive and seem to act to prescribe their own supportive needs.

Q. How can information about your service be accessed?
A. We are web based with a compatible mobile App designed to maintain connectedness and provide pragmatic elder care information.  This is original content delivered with free access to numerous digital links.

Q. Any plans to pitch the Home Care Path Biz Op?
A.  We do plan to enter the Wisconsin Governor's Business Plan Contest.  The pitch will communicate the dramatic change to traditional supportive constructs and the dynamics of top down approach to resource allocation.

Q. What advice would you give those new to the senior living industry?
A. The effort is to do more with less resources.  The aging population presents very real needs that consistently require providers to re-think their operating models. 

Q. How has promoting Home Care Path changed since you started.
A. We have adapted a new longer term mind set.  We are structuring our efforts to accommodate the consumers new decision making power and employ many more ways to engage.  This is forging ahead of the existing pack mentality - staying ahead of changes - to offer a different kind of solution.

Q. What strategies for effective social media do you use?
A. We publish a good mix of original content daily.  Our postings are described as diverse and communicate the vast connections functioning across the greater expanse of the elder living industry.

Q. How did you arrive at the right formula?
A.  We do not think we have ever arrived. We increasingly embrace experimentation and risk taking with participation of newly introduced online communication platforms.

Q. How did the idea for the Home Care Path Biz Op come about? 
A. Wisconsin is in the midst of long term care Medicaid reformation from the top down.  The new mantra demands a collaborative culture and development of services that can challenge barriers to helping seniors participate in their chosen treatment options.

Q. Where do you see the Home Care Path Biz Op 5 years from introduction?
A. This new model creates a strong network of provision inherent with greater efficiencies designed to do much more with less resources.  The vision is a national approach to licensing care givers which improves access to elder supportive assistance in hard to serve rural areas.

Q. What else should we know?
A. Home Care Path Biz Op has a lean operating practice that facilitates greater communication across this network of supportive care assistants.  Technological changes will require supportive providers to accommodate the consistent up dates the consumer population will experience.  Imagine an elder care assistant accompanying a senior who is trained about sensors in contact lenses that generate blood glucose information for their medical doctors clinical staff. In this example the licensee is an aid to the ongoing performance of the electronic communication device rather than any traditional task.

Q. What does credit repair have to do with the senior living industry?
A. Senior living residential providers pull a credit report to help understand how the individual will fit in to the community.  Improving your credit report can improve your options.

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds delivers a service that fixes an individuals credit report to improve their borrowing outcome.  Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds works with the information on file to improve the presentation of an individuals credit report.

This simple link facilitates immediate access to a trusted credit repair service

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds Provides:

- pre-staging process to save consumers time
- incremental pricing to better fit your budget
- each individual receives their own secure online portal
- person to person help from down to earth staff


For a blog with free access that delivers credit repair information   

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