Monday, July 5, 2010

Yogurt Help? Home Care Path LLC

Persian history passed down verbally describes an angel revealing to the prophet Abraham the method of preparing yogurt. Yogurt has been around for a long time. Yogurt is prepared by inoculating warm milk with health giving bacteria and keeping it warm until the bacteria have increased the numbers to change the character of the milk. Changes in the milk make degestion in the intestine without the enzyme lactase possible. Antibiotics given by the mouth in pill form destroy helpful as well as harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. Eating yogurt helps refortify the intestine with helpful bacteria. Nutritionists have theorized that a person taking a prescribed dose of antibiotics early in life may have experienced chronic indigestion ever since. This is supposed to be due to lack of the helpful bacteria in the intestine used to digest milk and sugar. Yogurt may add the helpful bacteria reducing the chronic indegestion. Yogurt is reported to help prevent constipation. Consuming yogurt with fresh fruit and vegetables is said to combat constipation. Yogurt establishes a well balanced content for the colon so neither diarrhea or constipation will prevail. Yogurt has become more accessable with convenience stores offering individual servings combined with fruit.

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