Thursday, July 15, 2010

Medicare Non Covered Equipment Home Care Path LLC

Medicare identifies this equipment as presumptively nonmedical. This is where case managers are challenged to explain to seniors that the equipment they want is not been deemed medically necessary by Medicare. The senior can have the equipment but must pay out of pocket for the object. Equipment which is primarily used for a non medical purpose may not be considered medical equipment for which payment can be made under the medicare insurance program. This is true even though the item has some remote medically related use. So a cardiac patient wants an air conditioner. Providers could argue an air conditioner could lower the room temperature, reduce fluid loss, and restore the environment to be conducive to proper fluid balance. But because the primary and customary use of an air conditioner is non medical , the air conditioner cannot be identified as medical equipment for which medicare will pay. similar items not covered by medicare include room heaters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and electric cleaners. Convenience items such as in home elevators, posture chairs, cushion lift chairs, exercise bikes, tread mills are not covered by medicare. Case managers often work with families to add a savings plan for a specific item into the household budget.

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