Monday, October 24, 2016

Wisconsin Dells Use Assemblage Plottage 2 Raise Property Values

Existing businesses will employ assemblage which means purchasing adjacent property which creates a larger land tract and declare plottage which is an increase in value due to the assemblage.  For a business owner to perform assemblage and declare plottage  they have a limited number of land choices.  The permanence of land leaves the business owner with a limited number of adjacent properties to join. 

The fact that the amount of land available affects the value is a basis for the element of scarcity. Elements of scarcity embedded within the activity of assemblage enhances property values in three ways.  First is simple supply and demand - there is a limited number of adjacent lots available to join to the existing business property.  Supply is low which drives price high.

Second is the activity of assemblage involves a commercial business purchasing adjacent property which expands the commercial district.  The presumption of a commercial use creates greater value and a higher assessed price. 

Third is the manner in which the Real Estate Industry will employ substitution in the pricing process for similar properties.  Real Estate Professionals will apply effort to assist in the expansion of the commercial district.  Properties adjacent to the business community now have an enhanced value with a recognized climate of rapid development. 

This is a fun time to be a Real Estate Professional working in the familiar resort community called Wisconsin Dells.

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds delivers a service that fixes an individuals credit report to improve their borrowing outcome.  Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds works with the information on file to improve the presentation of an individuals credit report.

This simple link facilitates immediate access to a trusted credit repair service

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds Provides:

- pre-staging process to save consumers time
- incremental pricing to better fit your budget
- each individual receives their own secure online portal
- person to person help from down to earth staff


Take a first peek at the open structure designed to strengthen a families access to the help they need in real time.  Families can list their need and support partners can list their availability.  This concise application exists to save families precious time and resources they so desperately need to effectively care for their loved one.

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