Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Predictive Capacity of Wall Street as relates to CMS Policy

One over view of connectivity could be described as containing a predictive aspect to the (CMS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services stream of process.  The circular shape of the process can lend insight to the interface across seemingly secure fabric of participatory operation.

Private health system consultant firms aide research activity by participating on boards.  These same private health system consultant firms market timely information related to health system policy (field of expertise) to wall street analysis providers.

Health system consultants serve on research boards that feed CMS who develop policy which establishes reimbursement that is used by health system consultants to inform wall street investment decisions. 

The private consultant uses the firms resources to enrich data mined from serving on the research board which fed CMS who developed policy to establish reimbursement.  While the private consulting firm delivered expertise strengthened by insights discovered by enriching data mined from serving on the board of the applicable research projects. 

This structure has proven to move the application of best practice which bolsters quality and safety while lending a measure of sustainability to services that evolve from a public and private mix.
 The side effect is the rapid transmission of increasingly more comprehensible data clusters throughout the stream of human resource which staff the process.

Course may also just be a series of lucky guesses? 

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin

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 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life.

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