Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Revenue Security Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds

The over whelming response to the service Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds delivers has created revenue security.  This clearly demonstrates our emerging presence in the market.  As we internally plan to get to scale we have launched our FAST TRACK
approach as a means to better serve our expanding consumer base.   This is a condensed model designed to coach the needing consumer in to immediate service.

The bulk of the user population is a real estate buyer or a vehicle buyer.  The actual value inherent in the service benefits the buyer, the seller, and the lender. 

- buyer can purchase their item and pay a tolerable amount for the borrowed money

- seller can complete sales with more of the consumers making contact

- lender can qualify more loan contracts with consumers seeking financing

Our cost structure for the six month service:

 Privacy Guard 20 dollars x 6 months -  120.00

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds - 1500.00 for 6 month program

New card enrollment - 100 to 300 dollars.

Maximum out of pocket is 120.00 plus 1500.00 plus 300.00 = 1920.00

As a provider of a consistent credit repair service we partner with community sellers and lenders.  This is a simple collaborative agreement designed to improve the quality of the consumer populations buying experience.  We are a niche market service provider in the sense that we work primarily on the credit report.  This improves the consumers perception of autonomy and delivers a long term engagement benefit to the larger Credit Industry. 

 In today's advanced technological approach to credit repair this email is our drive way- Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds 608-432-4286. 
The typical client will have online computer access, enroll in Privacy Guard for 6 months (about 20 dollars per month) and enroll in Credit Repair Nerds for 6 months (about 250 dollars per month- 1500.00 total).  Our software interfaces nicely with Privacy Guard and facilitates an effective deletion effort. Participating consumers will have their own secure portal facilitating access to instructional information, and the ability to log in and monitor their credit report changes at anytime from anywhere.  Down to earth staff work with the participant to forge strategic efforts aimed to best meet personalized needs.

Credit Repair Nerds Wisconsin believes helping consumers understand the connections across the Credit Industry can improve borrowing outcomes which contributes to a stronger economy.  We are all in this together.

Try the Credit Repair Nerds Wisconsin App

Credit Repair Nerds Wisconsin  works with a consumers credit information to fix reported history and improve scores.  We are in the business of managing your credit report to improve your borrowing outcome.

Home Care Path celebrates 5 years of successfully serving families in Wisconsin

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Family Pet Program

 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2015 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

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