Saturday, March 30, 2013

PATH ALONG Steers Inpatient Information Flow

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model renders a service that lessens the diameter of the flow of information being communicated during the hospital stay.  The PATH ALONG model provides a structure to the care transitions holding the varied disciplines to an organized format.  From this collaborative delivery is constructed a comprehensive plan for supporting a readmission free recovery.

The hospital staff's investment involves collaboration and cooperation.  This approach fits nicely in a variety of care delivery settings.   Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model helps inpatient staff to visualize
a larger portion of the total picture.  This refines input to improve the shared focus of supporting a safe process of recovery.  Discharge plans are truly patient centered.

This brings a familiar order to the information communicated with each defined transition of care.  The patient and family can sense meaningful progress as each day of the hospital stay unfolds.
Suddenly less (a productive focus) is more (help after discharge). 

This improves the quality of the hospital stay and carries the family and patient through the thought construct capable of keeping the consumer engaged with the community phase.  Each care transition forms the community path the patient will take to recover.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model employs an App which you are invited to download for free, and coaching sheets to help deliver this beneficial process.   down load your free App today!

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