Friday, March 29, 2013

AHA dislikes time and effort with CMS survey process

On January 25, 2013 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) proposed individual patient experience surveys for hospital outpatient surgical departments (HOSD) and ambulatory surgical centers (ASC).  The American Hospital Association (AHA) has responded with resistance to the 2 separate surveys.

These are surveys mailed to the patient's residence for filling out and submitting on their perception of the care received.    Part of the resistance is the cost of supplies needed to perform a consistent collection of information.  Materials cost money.

The main concern is staff contribution to the process.  In order to receive an accurate survey, staff would need to educate each individual patient on the purpose and process for the survey.  There is a labor investment in assuring patients understand how the survey connects to the care. This includes staff available for follow up, as patients with sedation may not recall the treatment visit.  

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) as the primary payer are required to demonstrate evidence of review of data that supports the beneficiary is receiving a standard quality of service.  Home Care Path and Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model encourages seniors to watch this issue as it unfolds.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model helps seniors during the hospital stay and with the outpatient treatment visits.  PATH ALONG is a strong arm of Home Care Path a community based organization committed to performing a service that supports the changing needs of an aging population.  You are cordially invited to down load your free PATH ALONG app today

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