Monday, June 27, 2011

Taking A Seniors Drivers License Away

Losing the opportunity to drive in today's busy society is an emotional loss for anyone. When seniors stop driving they have fewer social contacts and become increasingly dependent on others. Seniors will not willingly surrender their driving privileges.

Do not expect help from the seniors friends when trying to take the driving license away. The friends may be struggling with this same issue. The senior may be transportation for some of the friends now.

If the senior is experiencing a cognitive deficit related to dementia, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, reasoning may be of no value. Explaining your concern to a senior and getting them to agree to surrender their license, only to have the senior forget the conversation later is not helpful.

It can become more complicated if the senior has some physical loss and some cognitive deficit. So a stroke that results in some loss of voluntary movement in the left leg and arm accompanied by some memory changes. The need to stop driving may be immediate.

Seniors who reside in rural settings may be totally dependent upon a drivers license for food and necessities. Some community programs have seen elders who reside out in the country as more independent and less social. This translates to less likely to accept help of others.

There are no national standards or completely accepted systems to identify older drivers who have critical impairments. Society has the hope that the senior will decide on their own not to drive anymore.

When you have been confronted with an obvious need to take away a senior family members driving privileges these two strategies seem to be the most consistent.
1. Bring in a recognized authority to help with the process. So with memory loss you would use a letter signed by the clinic staff or the department of transportation. Keep the copy of the letter that encourages the senior to stop driving in the residence.
2. Write out a plan for alternative transportation. So start scheduled rides for the senior. Provide a phone number for getting a ride.

The two seem simple , but they are very breif. The actual process for taking away the drivers license may be lengthy and difficult. The negotiation process can touch on many emotions and be an energy drain. Remember to support yourself during the removal process. With persistence the driving will stop.

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