Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heat Can Cause Dehydration And The Risk Is Confusion Memory Loss

With increased temperatures (hot outside) over and extended period of time, seniors are at risk of dehydration. The best way to prevent dehydration is with frequent drinks of cool fluid throughout the day.

The symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, decreased tears made by eyes, little or no sweating, muscle cramps, confusion, memory loss, weakness, nausea, vomit, light headed especially with standing, poor skin turgor.

Reasons for not drinking enough fluid can include:
Older adults often do not have the thirst mechanism (diminished over time) where the body alarms the person to search for water that a younger person has.
Hard to hold a glass of fluid to the mouth.
Painful to get up from chair.
Choose not to due to inability to control bladder (incontinence).
Too exhausting to make extra trips to the bathroom.

Medications may contribute to fluid loss. Taking medications to increase the amount and frequency of urine (diuretics, water pills). Caffeine has the effect of a water pill to increase urine output. Some cardiac medications can decrease the circulatory systems ability to compensate for excessive fluid loss.

Preventing dehydration involves fluid replacement. The key is to have frequent cool drinks throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you throughout the warmer days. Persons experiencing symptoms should contact their medical clinic for proper information and treatment.

Home Care Path coordinates elder home care assistants in Baraboo Wisconsin

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