Friday, August 20, 2010

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Home Care Path

Since 1984 many organizations have publicly denounced or banned the use of anabolic steroids, including The American College of Sports Medicine, The American Medical Association, The National Collegiate Athletic Association, The International Olympic Committee, and The U.S. Power-Lifting Federation. Most States have also passed laws to ban or limit the selling of such products.

Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic formulations produced from testerone, the male hormone. Young adults have taken these agents to increase strength and body weight, to look good and improve their chances of winning in sports and athletic competitions.

Anabolic type effects include increased organ and skeletal muscle mass, increased calcium in bones, increased retention of total body nitrogen, increased hemoglobin concentration, and increased protein synthesis.

Androgen type effects include increased growth and development of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland, increased body and facial hair, increased production of oil from the sebaceous glands, deepening of the voice, increased sexual interest and desire, enhancement of abstract and spatial dimension thinking ability, and increased aggression.

In the past physicians prescribed anabolic steroids for an individual who was under weight. Many steroidal preperations were available and could be taken by the mouth. The medical community and sport organizations began to recognize athletes who did not follow physician recommendations and took dosages far in excess of the prescribed dosage. While the dosage of methandrostenolone dianabol was prescribed at 5mg per day some athletes were found to be taking 1000 to 1500mg per day over an extended period of time. This discovered abuse led to the withdrawl of this product from the market in 1982.

In 1991 all anabolic steroids were placed in the schedule C controlled substance category. Some States have placed the substances in schedule II category to further restrict the availability of these drugs for un intended use.

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