Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Who is taking care of your parents. Home Care Path LLC provides staff to help seniors with daily care regiman. This prevents seniors from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanently placed in assisted living facility. The staff of Home Care Path LLC have been trained to deliver a service that results in a consistent and stable home setting. Seniors are able to keep up with the daily chores that require immediate attention. Reviewing the mail, organizing bill paying, facilitating communication with family. Scheduling provider visits and transportation. Medical Doctor, Foot Doctor, Eye Doctor, Dentist, labs for blood draws are just a few of the providers that require the senior to go in. Meal planning and preperation. This can require trips to the grocery store. Medication cueing and trips to the pharmacy. Scheduled toileting allows the senior adequate time and privacy for maintaining independence. Laundry can be scheduled and as needed. Often seniors benefit from assistance with clothing selection, resulting in complete dressing on a daily basis. Bedding can be laundered and reapplied on a scheduled basis to help enhance rest, sleep. Refuse, recycling, garbage can be delivered to the appropriate recepticle insuring removal form the home setting. The air conditioner in the summer and the heating system in the winter can be looked at daily to insure proper working order. This lists just a few of the ways Home Care Path LLC staff help seniors remain safely in their homes.

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