Monday, September 17, 2018

Paranormal Investigation Risk Of Phobia

Phobia is an exaggerated seemingly illogical fear of an object or situation.  Think of the grade school child in gym class who while running black lines trips and hits the wall knocking themselves unconscious.  The revived child is transported to a medical facility - diagnosed with a concussion- and spends about 3 days at home recuperating.  But from this day forward is severely afraid of any gymnasium and begins to panic and become short of breath.  No gym instructor or teacher can seem to put this together - describing the child as difficult.

Paranormal investigation can involve interaction with deceased individuals who often want to describe the manner of their death in the communication.  This can mean receiving glimpses, sounds, smells, feelings of the deceased individuals transmissions.  The paranormal investigator is challenged to sort out this communication and consciously process it in a way that is beneficial for all involved.

The delivery of the service of paranormal investigation is not exact, does not take place in a controlled environment or on a pre-defined limit of time.  This is a scientific way of explaining the deceased will tend to continue to communicate until satisfied with the living receiving the message. Some of the communication can seem traumatic and can instill phobia in the paranormal investigator to the objects or situations being transmitted by the deceased.

Once the paranormal investigator reaches a level of understanding what is really being communicated and the over all purpose - the biological responses that accompany a phobia tend to subside.  The paranormal investigator has more deeply processed and concluded the meaning in the seemingly traumatic communication.

The family who contacted the paranormal investigator may have members who are experiencing this same situation.  This is a piece of the puzzle that has been so often described as a haunting over the ages.

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