Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Private Insurance To Hospital Readmission Reduction Git R Done

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have enacted policy encouraging hospital's to reduce readmission rates.  Private health insurance plans typically follow in the foot steps of established Medicare and Medicaid guidelines.

Private health insurance plans will formulate contracts for payment based on annual (setting specific) readmission data.  The private health plan ties reimbursement to a goal rate.  The goal readmission rate should compare to health care system accepted national averages.

Upon annual review by the health plan of hospital readmission data an agreement (contract) is made with a listed goal rate as an incentive for the hospital staff to reduce readmission rates.  Unfortunately, the private health plan does not tell the hospital how to reach this agreed upon goal rate.  The expectation is the hospital will Git R Done.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model is an ancillary evidence based structure that does not disrupt internal hospital policies and procedures while simplifying care transitions and extending a measure of control beyond the inpatient wall.   PATH ALONG supports hospital delivery to facilitate communication with post discharge providers to help improve care assurance.

The PATH ALONG model generates evidence based solutions for a  hospital contracted with a private health insurance payer who is expecting readmissions to stabilize at the agreed upon goal rate.  The PATH ALONG model is an advanced supportive care agency sharing solutions designed to assist the hospital in meeting private health insurance plan goal rate contracts.

 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2013 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life.  You are cordially invited to download your free PATH ALONG App, seniors are saying they would not go in to the hospital without their App.


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