Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wisconsin State Journal Documents Hospital Change

The Wisconsin State Journal Newspaper has reported Wisconsin hospitals have more advanced practice nurses on the job.  The story lists a 55 percent increase in the number of advanced practice nurses employed in the hospital setting.  How does this fit in with the health care system pushing acuity down the continuum of care.

Advance practice nurses are capable of providing care for more complex medical conditions.  The patient must be severely ill to meet eligibility requirements for an admission to the hospital today.  Advance practice nurses carry the education, certification, and insurance that allows an increased judgement and autonomy in their service.  Advanced practice nurses are participating in the tasks once authorized by the medical system exclusively for doctors.  Advanced practice nurses may prescribe, refer, have admission privileges, and be reimbursed through insurance for the service provided.

Advanced practice nurses are performing tasks for the patient population that used to be done only by a medical doctor.  This is an example of how acuity is being pushed down the continuum of care.  In the hierarchy of medical practice the advanced practice nurse now does functions similar to a doctor.

PATH ALONG recognizes these changes being initiated at the hospital level to best meet the larger influx of elders needing help.   Individuals too ill to be home alone but not severe enough to meet eligibility for hospitalization will need the assistance of a supportive ( care agency.  Hospitalized patients must be severely ill  to be admitted and will have a shorter stay.  Discharge from the hospital does not mean the patient has fully recovered.  Discharge simply means the hospital staff have determined the patients needs can now be met at a lower level (supportive care agency) of care delivery.

Hospital staff serve individuals with acute manfestations of complex medical conditions.  Community members requiring help with chronic cognitive or physical functional changes will be increasingly referred to a supportive ( home care provider.

PATH ALONG is an original Wisconsin model that connects inpatient providers (medical doctor, hospitalist, advanced practice nurse) to community staff who support the patient during health system transitions.  Click on the site below with free access for more info

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