Monday, May 2, 2011

Seniors Shoes Don't Fit In The Afternoon

The seniors feet swell and it becomes hard to get the shoes on. This is often called edema, or fluid volume excess.

Ask the senior to spend some time during the day seated with the legs elevated. This helps drain excess fluid from the foot and lower leg.

Help the senior avoid wearing constrictive clothing. Tight clothing and leg crossing can reduce the ability of fluid to flow from the swollen area.

Consider supportive socks or hosery that can provide and even therapeutic pressure that will help move fluid out from the lower leg and foot.

If the senior has been prescribed a diuretic (water pill) be sure it is being taken as provider ordered. A diuretic will increase urine output, reducing excess fluid which is causing the swelling.

Reduce salty foods in the diet. Salt is a larger molecule that can attract and hold water in the vessels of the body. Less salt often means less fluid retention.

Always be sure the seniors medical doctor is aware of the swelling in the feet. Home Care Path coordinates elder home care assistants in Sauk City Wisconsin.

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