Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drugs and Seniors Home Care Path LLC

Professional prescribers agree drug administration changes across the life span. From the pharmacological view point adult hood begins at age 12. Generally adult dosages are meant for individuals 12 years and older. Seniors (over 60) normally have decreased glomerular filtration rate, cardiac index, maximal breathing capacity, and hepatic blood flow. In addition, as the body ages , the percentage of fat increases and the percentage of total body water decreases. These physiological changes mean that a greater proportion of lipid soluble drugs may accumulate in the body fat, a higher plasma concentration of water soluble drugs may be noted , and drug metabolosm by the liver and excreation by the kidneys may be diminished. Which in part is why one is asked their age in the clinic office visit. Age is a clinical characteristic that is considered with the practice of prescribing medication. Home Care Path LLC accompany seniors to medical visits and record MD instructions for improved follow through in the home setting.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fibromylagia Home Care Path LLC

Seniors suffering from fibromyalgia often feel alone in part because fibro does not have a fun trendy cosmetic treatment. Fibromyalgia manifest in the body as chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, tender areas in joints, muscles, tendons and widespread soft tissue. Seniors with fibromyalgia experience an enhanced pain sensation. Touch is uncomfortable. Symptoms are accpmanied by sleep disruption, chronic stiffness, headaches, tingling numbness in hands and feet, clouded thought process, changes in memory. Fibromyalgia has coorelation with the emotional depression, anxiety. The actual cause has not been identified, but fibromyalgia is known to change how the nervous system processes pain. One identifying system is body wide pain greater than 90 days. Physical therapy can provide visits to help manage the chronic pain. Barriers include the daily variation of chronic pain (too sore to move), deconditioning (too sore to do any physical activity for long while), and changes in other body systems (loss of sleep, chronic fatigue). The physical therapists strategy is to help the senior with fibromyalgia learn to interpret pain signals, and decrease symptoms through regular exercise. Regular moderate exercise is the treatment for chronic pain secondary to fibromyalgia. Stretching, strengthening, swimming are top of the list. readers are reminded that fibromyalgia is an individual type of disease process. Fibromyalgia does not manifest entirely the same in all individuals. Physical therapy plans are often individualized for this reason. Home Care Path LLC helps seniors who expereince loss of physical function.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Home Safety Home Care Path LLC

Monitor living space to maintain independence.
Electric cords properly plugged in and tucked away
Do not over load extension cords
Fresh batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
Electric outlets are cool, not warm to the touch
Areas are well lit inside and out
Nightlights in hallways, stairwells, bedrooms and bathroom
Electric heaters away from curtains, rugs, and furniture
Seperate elctrical appliances and water
Fireplace chimmneys are checked and cleared yearly
Light switches on both top, bottom of stairs
Light switches found near room entrance
Stair ways well lit and free of objects
Stair hand rails sturdy
Floors are not slippery or highly polished
Carpet on stair secure
No holes or snags in carpet
Carpet edges secure
Reduce hot water temp to prevent burn
Water faucets marked hot, cold
House smoking rules established
Check furnace yearly
Drawers and doors open and shut easily
Flashlights available in main rooms
Cleaners and poisons marked and in seperate space
Door locks secure and work correctly
Staff at Home Care Path LLC practise safety with all home visits. Part of maintaining a stable living environment is monitoring the seniors home for potential hazards that can be corrected to reduce risk of harm.

Home Care Path LLC
Keeping seniors safe at home, serving south central Wisconsin

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Home Care Path LLC Falls At Home

Seniors falling in the home are at risk of unintentional injury. Occupational therapy can assess seniors in the home setting. An occupational therapist will identify lead contributors such as loss of muscle strength, loss of coordination, loss of balance, loss of range of motion. The occupational therapist may recommend the senior see a physical therapist for balance and strengthening exercises to help reduce falls. Recall medicare is a pay source for physical therapy, occupational therapy services. Strategies for seniors who fall include:
portable toilet near bed with night rest
place phone within reach at all times
use several night lights
wear supportive shoes avoid high heels
grab bars near tub and toilet
raised toliet seat, bracket with handles
use bath bench
use hand held shower head
wipe up fluid spills on floor
have chair in kitchen to sit with chores
slide dishes along counter to keep one hand free
place cooking pans within reach
use a reacher, grabber
use rails with any stairs
outside light for entering dwelling after dark
sidewalks free of snow, ice
Grab bar close to door
Falls can stand in the way of a seniors independence. Take steps to lower the risk of a fall.

Home Care Path LLC
Facebook page senior care at home care path .com
Twitter page seniorcareWI
KEEPING SENIORS SAFE AT HOME, serving south central Wisconsin

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Medicare Post Hospital Home Care Path LLC

Post hospital home health services are provided under medicare insurance. In each benefit period payment can be made for the reasonable cost of up to 100 days of post hospital extended care services. Post hospital extended care services include room and board, skilled nursing care by or under the supervision of a registered nurse, physical-occupational-speech therapy, medical social services, and other services ordinarily furnished by a skilled nursing facility. No payment may be made for custodial care or for items or services which would not be covered in a hospital. Custodial care is another term for non medical elder care service. Custodial care involves daily services a senior may need secondary to changes in physical function and mental capacity related to the procuess of aging. Home Care Path LLC provides custodial, nonmedical elder care service to the south central Wisconsin area. Home Care Path LLC helps seniors who experience difficulty walking, dressing, talking, eating, cooking, climbing steps, remembering medications, setting up bath, oral care, hair care, reading mail, washing dishes, discarding expired food, taking garbage out, consistent forgetfulness, too much time alone isolated, weight loss, changes in cognitive function. At this point in time, medicare is not a valid pay source for long term in home non medical elder care service.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Independence Myth Home Care Path LLC

Some seniors become captives of the independence myth. The independence myth essentially means existing alone. I do not need the assistance of another, never have and never want to. I am a proud independent person. Independence on planet earth is a falsehood. All things occur with the participation of another. Everyone needs everyone else to have a better quality of life. For example the independent business could not be more dependent. The business depends on employees cooperation, on providers who deliver product, on advertizing outlets who voice the business product, the bank that delivers financial exchange. Any break in the chain of dependence results in a poor outcome for the independent business owner. The independent businesss owner is very needy and accepts the help of the community to keep going. Seniors that continue to deny needing help even though its evident to all around have become a captive to this myth of independence. The senior needs to drop the perception of independence and adapt a more healthy perception of interdependence. Interdependence speaks of active participation. Much like the independent business who needs the help of the employees to make it through the day. So can the senior see themsleves actively participating in their own care with the assistance of another. The thought perceptions under this resistance to help of another include:
Lack of Trust
Restore their position of power within the family
Stall tactic to avoid facing a decision they are not yet ready to make
As an attention getting device. (once the problem is solved you may not give them the attention they receive now)
Seniors who resist an organized healthful approach to assistance form reciprocal relationships within the community to cope. The senior has restaurant staff giving him food daily and stopping by to check on him when he does not show up to eat. The senior calls the tow truck driver from the hospital ER for help getting home. The senior has libray staff clean up the bathroom after his bowel accidents. The bartender is constantly dialing the seniors family so he can talk with them. The senior sits with the insurance office receptionist when he does not feel good. The mail carrier helps to properly turn on the air conditioner. The senior is seeking out and accepting help throughout the community but some how still maintains a perception of being independent. The senior clearly needs help, and this need is progressing. All those assisting the senior in out of the ordinary roles verbalize the seniors need for help. Home Care Path LLC staff assist seniors with daily chores to prevent the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanantly placed in an assisted living facility. Home Care Path LLC recognize seniors captivated by the myth of independence. Often the solution is repetitive contacts discussing identified needs. Eventually the senior begins to recognize and accept what the community already knows. It is ok to accept the help of another.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Medicare Hospital Home Care Path LLC

Hospital insurance is a basic part of medicare insurance. It is designed to help seniors defray the expense incurred by hospitalization and related care. Typical inpatient covered services include:
Bed and board
Nursing and other related services
Use of hospital facilities and medical social services ordinarily furnished by the hospital for care and treatment of inpatients which are (drugs, biologicals, supplies, appliances and equipment).
Diagnostic or other therapeutic items or services furnished by the hospital or by other providers under arrangements made by the hospital
Services by interns or residents in training under approved teaching programs
Cost of blood and administering

The senior is entitled to payment on there behalf for up to 90 days of inpatient hospital services in each benefit period. The senior will still have deductible amounts for each benefit period.

Home Care Path LLC http://homecarepath can follow a senior through a hospitalization to provide support.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is Medicare? Home Care Path LLC

The Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled Act Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, known as Medicare, has made available to nearly every American age 65 and older a broad program of health insurance designed to assist the nations elderly to meet hospital, medical and other health costs. Health insurance has also been extended to persons under age 65 who qualify as disabled and those having end stage renal disease. The Medicare program includes two related health insurance programs Part A which is hospital insurance, and Part B which is supplemental medical insurance. The conduct of the program is delegated by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to the administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration. Congress also provided substantial administrative roles for the States and for voluntary insurance organizations in recognition of their experience in the health care and insurance fields. The law does not permit the Federal Government to exercise supervision or control over the practice of medicine, the manner in which medical services are provided, and the administration or operation of medical facilities. The senior is free to choose any qualified institution, agency, or person offering medicare certified services. The responsibility for treatment and control of care remains with the individuals MD, hospital, and other organizations delivering service. The senior may keep or obtain other insurance as well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Senior Already Scammed Home Care Path LLC

Here are some signes that a senior may have already fallen victim to a scam artist.
Senior is suddenly having trouble paying bills
Senior is making payments via wire service or private courier service
Senior is writing checks to unfamiliar out of state companies
Senior is accumulating cheap items (jewelry, watches, plastic cameras) awarded as prizes
Senior is receiving more frequent phone calls
Home Care Path LLC http://homecarepath make visits to reduce isolation making the senior less of a target for the scam artist. Families are encouraged to think proactively. Start up a conversation and discuss the subject with the senior. Simply saying friends in the community are warning of a scam on seniors that goes like this.... The senior and family will benefit from acknowledging senior fraud is common and they may have already been the victim of a scam.

Home Care Path LLC
facebook page senior care at home care path . com
twitter seniorcareWI
Keeping Seniors Safe At Home

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fraud Senior Schemes Home Care Path LLC

Most seniors have been raised to be polite and nice, and would not think of hanging up on anyone who calls them on the telephone. Legitimate sales staff and cunning con artists are all the same to the senior, voices on the other end of the line requesting attention. Often the senior can become vulnerable to manipulation by con artists out of lonliness, fear, greed, and just plain gullibility. Sharp retired business professional seniors have succumbed to sympathetic sounding con artists who dupe them in to paying for products and services that never arrive. Here is a list of popular senior scams.
home medical equipment sold over the phone
free auto (if the senior sends a 700 dollar check for taxes)
alzheimer and arthritis cures
instant weight loss schemes
sexual stimulants
baldness remedy
nutritional cure alls
wrinkle removers
unsolicited home repair
home test services like radon detector
lottery and sweepstakes swindles (seniors send money to process)
donations to phony charity
funeral home investments
mail order life insurance
Isolation and the desire to help as way to be more a part of the community can be reasons seniors can be taken advantage of. Home Care Path LLC provides visits to seniors who are always alone, isolated. Home Care Path LLC assists the senior by facilitating connections within the community. Please keep in mind that seniors are proud. Even if a senior is swindled, they may not let the family know.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reality Senior Community Faces Home Care Path LLC

Communities are recognizing changes related to the aging of the majority of the population. By 2030, some 21 million elderly people may need help with activity limitations ,states the National Academy On Aging Society. As people become older they become more susceptible to the frailities of old age. Tasks that once were so simple such as putting on clean clothes, taking bath, combing hair, preparing meals, grocery shopping, remembering MD appointments, become more difficult. For many seniors the only alternative has been to have family members look after them, or be institutionalized. This is further complicated by an economy that supports geographical movement for income employment. Many of the elderly do not have family members who live close enough to care for them. Some seniors remain reluctant to shift the burden of care upon their children. Many elederly are averse to the idea of living in a senior facility, except as a last resort. Instead seniors really prefer to remain in the comfort of their own home. Home Care Path LLC help by coordinating staff to assist with daily chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanently placed in an assisted living facility. Some 8.5 million people over age 70 have limitations, either in activities of daily living (walking, dressing, bathing), or instrumental activities of daily living (shopping, paying bills, preparing meals). Although they are not disabled to the extent they need institutional care, they do need some help to function in the community. As the population continues to age, more and more need care states The National Academy on Aging Society. The poplulation of 85 and older is the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population and is expected to increase by 56 percent over the next several decades states the Federal Interagency Forum On Health Realted Statistics. So one can see that communites will need providers willing to meet the care needs of an aging population. Lets make these our golden years.

Home Care Path LLC
Facebook page senior care at home care path .com
Twitter seniorcareWI

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Family Presence With Emergency Home Care Path

Should family remain in the clinical area as emergency procedures are performed on seniors. This practice is controversial, but the nursing profession supports it, recognizing the important role family plays in a seniors care. Back in 1993 Emergency Nurses Association adopted a resolution supporting the option to have family near the seniors bedside during invasive treatment procedures and even cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In 2000 the American Heart Association also established guidelines that encourage providers to allow family to stay with the senior during emergency cardiovascular care and CPR. Supporters of the practice known as family presence believe it benefits the senior. They maintain that it helps relieve the seniors fear and anxiety, ensures that they are treated as humans rather than conditions, and strengthen the family bonds. The practice also benefits the family members providing closure and facilitating bereavement process if the senior dies. Home Care Path LLC supports having family presnt for the senior with medical procedures.
Home Care Path LLC
Phone: 608-432-4286
Web site:
Facebook: senior care at home care path .com
Twitter: seniorcareWI

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chronic Stomach Upset Home Care Path LLC

Everybody has expereinced stomach upset, which is short lived and goes away. Some seniors experience stomach pain, discomfort over time. It often feels and has pain like and ulcer but the diagnostic testing shows it is not an ulcer. The symptoms although experienced by the senior are subclinical, do not show up on testing by the Medical Doctor. The family of the senior call it indigestion. The clinical staff call it non ulcer dyspepsia. This means the senior has persistent episodes of stomach distress, sometimes with abdominal pain and nausea. This occurs often after eating, and nobody knows what causes it. Dieticians chalk it up to an extraorinarily sensitive stomach. A long time folk remedy for upset stomach is bananas. A banana per day over time is said to help relieve the pain and settle the stomach. Ronald Hoffman MD author of seven weeks to a settled stomach believes a banana a day will keep the doctor away.

Source Jean Carter Food Your Miracle Medicine

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who Pays For Nonmedical Eldercare Service?

A parent begins to fail. Family notice the senior is experiencing difficulty walking, dressing, talking, eating, cooking, climbing steps, remembering medications, setting up bath, oral care, hair care, reading mail, washing dishes, discarding expired food, taking garbage out. Medicare will pay for a nursing home stay if the senior needs skilled nursing following a hospital stay. Medicare will not pay for an assisted living facility, conitinueing care retirement community, adult day services, or nonmedical in home care. Medicare will pay for intermittent skilled nursing care in the home setting. This is an acute episode, skilled nursing is required, and the senior is completely home bound. When the senior spends down to level of few financial assets and low income they can be evaluated for medical assistance through their county. Medical assistance is dependent upon the senior meeting functional (requires skilled nursing) and financial (low assets/income) eligibility requirements. So it seems neither medicare or medicaid will pay for non medical eldercare (personal custodial care) without the need for skilled nursing service. Seniors who require assistance with daily chores to remain in home pay out of pocket for this service. Scheduling help to come to the seniors home can be cost effective. Home Care Path LLC coordinates staff to assist with chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanantly placed in an assisted living facility.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Senior Fraud Alert Check In Mail Scam

Home Care Path LLC has been notified of a mail scam involving fake checks. The scam starts by saying the receipent of a sweepstakes or lottery has won money. The letter has a check saying they have won money. Some say the check is for U.S. taxes and the senior is to cash the check, then send a check for the taxes back to the company. Cashing the check allows the scammers to either get bank account information or the check will bounce, but before that the scammers have received money from the receipent of the letter. The checks can look legitimate. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Seniors with questions about letters are encouraged to bring them in the the local police station.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Characteristics Seniors Like In A Doctor

Seniors often look for a Doctor who:
Seeks the seniors opinion
Explains how life style changes can improve health
Conducts a thorough medical exam
Explains side effects to medications being prescribed
Takes a thorough medical history
Does not keep patients waiting
Encourages questions about health conditions or treatments
Does not rush through office visits
Cares about the seniors emotional well being
Makes the senior feel at ease.

The above contribute to a satisfying relationship and positive feelings about the care being provided. Home Care Path LLC coordinates staff to assist seniors with daily chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanantly placed in an assisted living facility. Look us up on the internet at

Monday, June 14, 2010

What is a specialist Home Care Path LLC

The seniors primary doctor may refer them to a specialist. Here is a list and corresponding body part the Doctor would help care for.
Cardiologist: heart and coronary artery specialist
Dermatologist: skin specialist
Endocrinologist: gland and hormone specialist
Gastroenterologist: stomach and digestive tract specialist
Hematologist: blood specialist
Nephrologist:kidney specialist
Neurologist: brain and nervous system specialist
Oncologist:cancer and tumor specialist
Opthamologist:eye specialist
Orthopedist:bone, muscle, and joint specialist
Otolaryngologist:ear, nose, and throat specialist
Proctologist: anus, rectum, colon specialist
Pulmonary: lung and chest disorders
Radiologist: x ray specialist
Rehabilitation: stroke and injury disability specialist
Rheumatologist:rheumatism and arthritis specialist
Surgeon : operating on the body surgical procedure specialist
Urologist: urinary and reproductive specialist

When a primary MD refers you to a specialist ask where the specialist is located. Many specialist's will reside in larger city but hold office hours in rural clinics on a monthly basis. Also how the senior will attend visits with the specialist. Try to coordinate to the seniors convenience. If the specialist is in town twice per month, schedule an appointment while the specialist is in town. This prevents having to take the senior into the city for the specialist visit. Meeting with a specialist can result in additional diagnositic testing. Coordinate the additonal visits to the seniors advantage. Always ask can this be done locally. Remember having an appointment with a specialist in a nearby city and the senior has no way of attending is counter productive.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Senior Care For Fun Activities Home Care Path LLC

Senior care is the fullfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. Special needs are secondary to increased age, decreased physical function, decreased mental capacity, increased fatigue, tire easily. Requirements are the tasks done daily to reside in the home. These once simple tasks can start to utilize more of the seniors time and energy. To compensate the senior may begin skipping meals, skipping medication that increases urination, skipping laundry, stop bathing, stop running errands. Often the help of another (Home Care Path LLC Staff) can result in the completion of the daily tasks. The Home Care Path LLC staff supplement both thought and phyisical exertion to compensate for the special needs. This can afford the senior opportunities to participate in fun activities. The daily requirements have been met and the senior still has the energy to attend family events.

Home Care Path LLC
Serving South Central Wisconsin
Keeping Seniors Safe At Home

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Caring for a senior feels wierd Home Care Path LLC

Families involved in the care of a senior often describe a general uneasiness, a wierd feeling. Individuals soon discover they are working with newly formed groups (indirect contact), established organizations (direct contact), businesses marketing services, health care plans checking on utilization, community providers. It becomes helpful to recognize all the above as groups. By categorizing each as a group one can identify the unusual blend of personal and task roles. Several familiar arch types play out roles in all group settings. Needs for authority, dependency, freedom, autonomy, individuality, friendship, intimacy, sexuality, envy, giving and privacy name just a few. These are underlying motives often not recognized by the individual playing the role within the group. When the family involved in caring for the senior realizes they are caught between group dynamics with underlying personal agendas driving interpersonal interactions and behaviors, the source of uneasiness can become clearer. Complete satsfaction can not be achieved when one observes the terrain of the enitites involved in serving the senior. So you have the dealing with multiple groups. Now enters the realm of change for the senior. Because the change involves the seniors loss of physical function or cognitive deficit it is not a chosen change. Often you hear families say we never would of chosen this. This communicates a loss of control. We did not choose this, it occurred by a force outside of are own control. We are left here to try to deal with it. Change is creating situations in the senior and families life that no one could possibly plan for it all. Suddenly you can see this would be alot for anyone, and it is. The person caring for the senior seems caught between the wishes of the family, the wishes of the senior, the wishes of the health insurance plan, the wishes of the clinical staff, and no one is real happy. Soon you see being caught between the needs of the senior and those of the indentified groups the whole huge system particpating in the seniors care. Now here is the secret to the entire discussion. The common element in the entire senior care situation is the sense of unease and uncertainty about the rightness of ones decision. This sense of unease is shared by amateur, professional, old, young, new, seasoned, all involved with senior care. So the uneasy thoughts and feelings are universal. You are not the only one who expereinces this, nor will you be the last. The uneasiness is shared by all. Most important is the senior rarely remembers a decision but will be most pleased with the fact that you were there.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Proteins in The Diet Home Care Path LLC

Proteins are composed of amino acids. Nonessential amino acids can be synthisized in the body from carbohydrate derivatives and an amino acid nitrogen source. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body, or cannot be made in amounts sufficient to meet physiological need. The major role of dietary protein is to supply amino acids for the synthisis of proteins needed in the body, although dietary protein can also serve as an energy source. A complete protein supplies all the essential amino acids . A high quality protein not only supplies them but also provides them in the appropriate proportions. Animal protein sources are generally of higher quality than vegetable sources of protein, but diets composed of plant foods provide plenty of protein , as long as a variety of nutrient dense foods supply a sufficient energy intake.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Florence Nightingale Fundamental Needs Of Seniors

Florence Nightingale rode horseback to a families home and provided assistance in times of need. Florence Nightingales strategies involved putting a home to rights. Florence Nightingale used ingenuity, perserverance, and good observation skills throughout her day. Florence Nightingale introduced a structure that provided consistency and stability to a household in need. Balancing strategies to best meet the seniors needs while minimizing change within the home. Minding medications. Simply having a system in place that allows you to comprehend the daily required use of medication by the senior. This includes and inventory control system that works in unison with the pharmacy. Minimize change as the household rights itself. Minimize change unrelated to the increased needs of the senior being served. Proper balance of indoor and outdoor air. Some time is spent outside daily. Exposure to sunlight . Adequate consumption of clean drinking water. Keeping the body properly hydrated improves the seniors ability to participate in the day. Wearing freshly laundered clothing. Having a plan in the home for when a senior care worker is not present. Talking through the action one would take with a mock crisis. For example with a fall do this. Rehearse possible scary situations to have a plan that will reduce surprises. Giving the senior and the family strategies to feel like they are still in charge. Provision made to supply a care givers absence. This is often reffered to as respite. The primary caregiver needs time away, Home Care Path LLC have staff come in to the home to fill in for the caregiver who is way. Caregivers can be reminded all hurry, rustle and bustle can be painful for the senior. Senior care givers benefit from tuning into the flow of the sniors household. Not to harm but to help. Surprise interruptions and loud noises not always in the best interest of the senior. Reading to the senior should be slowly, distinctly, and steadily to the senior. Repitition is not a bad thing. Senior care workers supplement both thought and physical exertion to help the member better participate in the day. The function of the bodies skin is dependent upon cleanliness. Supporting regular bathing and keeping the senior in clean dry clothing improves health. Assisting with regular meals helps support overall nutrition of the seniors body. Removing garbage, sources of odor and disease is imperative to a healthy household. Florence Nightingale was demonstrating scientifically supported strategies to maintain a consistent, stable household. Home Care Path LLC provides similar services for seniors today!
Source Notes on Nursing Florence Nightingale.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prunes For Constipation Home Care Path LLC

Prunes are high in fiber. Prune eaters all seem to agree they are a laxative. Laxative means having a tendency to loosen or relax expecially to relieve from constipation. Constipation describes a state of the bowels in which evacuations are infrequent and difficult. Prunes are extraordinarily high in sorbitol, a natural sugar that is a laxative for many people. The way mother nature assembled the ingredients of prune seems to stimulate contraction of the intestinal wall and incease secretions of fluids. This supports frequent evacuation. Prunes have proven there worth by increasing bowel movement frequency and reducing consumption of laxatives for the prune eaters.
Recipe for prune jam to be taken daily to support regular evacuation of bowel.
5 ounces pitted dates (about a cup)
5 ounces of pitted prunes (about a cup)
1 and 1/2 cups boiling water ( use slightly less for thicker jam)
Cut dates and prunes in to small pieces. Add them to boiling water and cook until mixture has thickened. Yeild 20 portions of about one tablespoon. Eat about tablespoon of jam per day with morning meal.

Source: Jean Carper The Food Pharmacy.

Friday, June 4, 2010

ADRC Referral Process Home Care Path LLC


Home Care Path LLC Coordinates staff to assist with daily chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanently placed in an assisted living facility. Home Care Path LLC serves the south central Wisconsin population. The unprecedented demand in south central Wisconsin for non-medical eldercare service is stronger than ever.
Home Care Path LLC has identified situations in which an ADRC is most likely to refer.

1. The senior presents at the ADRC for an assessment. The FES (Functional Eligiblity Screen) shows needs related to loss of physical function or cognative deficit. But the senior is found ineligible for MA (medicaid, medical assistance) due to high income or over assets. The senior has a need for help at home but does not qualify for Federal or State funded programs to meet the need.

2. CMO's (Care Management Organizations) may require some AFH's (Adult Family Homes) to pay their own respite. An Adult Family Home where father and mother care for a family member. The father and mother plan to attend a bowling tournament in another State and requirecare for their family member who will remain home.

3. The local CMO (Care Management Organization) seeks to contract with a local senior care provider to perform custodial care visits for CMO members. Care Wisconsin (Care Management Organization) needs to contract with a senior care provider to serve a noon meal and make supper for a member.

4. The family requests a provider to supplement the services currently being delivered with a Federal or State funded program. So a senior receives some personal care with MA (medicaid) as the pay source. The family would like the senior to be pushed in his wheel chair up to the park for summer concerts. MA (medicaid) is not a valid pay source for this family request. The family privately pays Home Care Path LLC to accomany the senior to and from summer concerts.

5. The family presents to the ADRC (Aging and disability resource center) for an assessment. The family requests a provider that can help the senior immediately while the senior is attending to the ADRC process to determine eligibility for Federal and State funded programs. So, the family intends to work through the process to determine eligibility, but also some help at home right away.

Home Care Path is a for profit limited liability corporation that provides non'medical eldercare services to individuals residing in south central Wisconsin. Private pay is the primary source for this community service. Many Federal, State, and Wisconsin certified insurance providers do not reimburse for non medical home care, companionship senior care services. Meal preparation, companionship, light housekeeping, medication reminders, errands, accompany shopping are most often categorized as private pay. And ends up being wht the senior needs the most.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wisconsin ADRC Home Care Path LLC

In South Central Wisconsin the ADRC's are beginning to appear. ADRC is Aging and Disability Resource Center. Located in the County building as department of Health and Human Services. Seniors can present at the ADRC with request to be assessed for determining elgibility for the available Federal and State programs. The State of Wisconsin currently employes an FES, Funcional Eligibility Screen to determine level of need. The State of Wisconsin perceives the Funcional Eligibility Screen as a tool for consistently evaluating a citizens needs in an accurate and fair manner. The total evaluation includes income and assets, physical functional loss, cognative deficit, age. Seniors with low income, no assets, loss of physical function and mental capacity may qualify for MA benefits. MA is medicaid. The State of Wisconsin compensates CMO's Care Management Organizations for serving seniors determined eligible for MA Medicaid by the FES Functional Eligiblity Screening Process. The ADRC will assist the member to choose a program that will help the senior by managing care. Current operating programs include Wisconsin Partnership Program, Family Care Program, IRIS, and Straight MA card. Through the ADRC the senior is attached to a CMO Care Management Organization that uses staff contacts to manage the seniors health care. Some seniors find they do not qualify for medicaid finanacially but still need assistance at home due to a loss of physical function or cognitive deficit. These seniors could be referred to Home Care Path LLC . Home Care Path LLC coordinates staff to assist seniors to perform daily chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanantly placed in an assisted living facility. Often families of seniors receiving services through a CMO Care Management Organization will supplement the seniors package of care with the services of Home Care Path LLC. Families would pay privately for services they would like the senior to receive but the CMO has determined medically unnecessary, and will not pay for. Home Care Path LLC encourages all Wisconsin seniors to visit the local ADRC.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home Care Path LLC Pets Are Important

Home Care Path LLC coordinates staff to assist seniors to perform daily chores preventing the senior from getting so run down they end up in the emergency room or permanently placed in assisted living facility. Home Care Path recognizes seniors often transfer much of their love and attention to pets as a way of dealing with natural losses in their lives. Pets fill an emotional void. Pets provide companionship and make the owners feel needed. Playing with pets and caring for pets can take a persons mind off of worries and health issues. Larger dogs have historically provided security for the family. Watching fish or stroking cat, guinea pigs, can reduce stress, symptoms of depression, and lower blood pressure. Birds can sing for the owners. Home Care Path believes in facilitating continued contact for the senior with their pets. Pets are family!