Saturday, June 12, 2010

Caring for a senior feels wierd Home Care Path LLC

Families involved in the care of a senior often describe a general uneasiness, a wierd feeling. Individuals soon discover they are working with newly formed groups (indirect contact), established organizations (direct contact), businesses marketing services, health care plans checking on utilization, community providers. It becomes helpful to recognize all the above as groups. By categorizing each as a group one can identify the unusual blend of personal and task roles. Several familiar arch types play out roles in all group settings. Needs for authority, dependency, freedom, autonomy, individuality, friendship, intimacy, sexuality, envy, giving and privacy name just a few. These are underlying motives often not recognized by the individual playing the role within the group. When the family involved in caring for the senior realizes they are caught between group dynamics with underlying personal agendas driving interpersonal interactions and behaviors, the source of uneasiness can become clearer. Complete satsfaction can not be achieved when one observes the terrain of the enitites involved in serving the senior. So you have the dealing with multiple groups. Now enters the realm of change for the senior. Because the change involves the seniors loss of physical function or cognitive deficit it is not a chosen change. Often you hear families say we never would of chosen this. This communicates a loss of control. We did not choose this, it occurred by a force outside of are own control. We are left here to try to deal with it. Change is creating situations in the senior and families life that no one could possibly plan for it all. Suddenly you can see this would be alot for anyone, and it is. The person caring for the senior seems caught between the wishes of the family, the wishes of the senior, the wishes of the health insurance plan, the wishes of the clinical staff, and no one is real happy. Soon you see being caught between the needs of the senior and those of the indentified groups the whole huge system particpating in the seniors care. Now here is the secret to the entire discussion. The common element in the entire senior care situation is the sense of unease and uncertainty about the rightness of ones decision. This sense of unease is shared by amateur, professional, old, young, new, seasoned, all involved with senior care. So the uneasy thoughts and feelings are universal. You are not the only one who expereinces this, nor will you be the last. The uneasiness is shared by all. Most important is the senior rarely remembers a decision but will be most pleased with the fact that you were there.

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