Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Purchase Mortgage Vs Refinance Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds

Purchase mortgage is the original loan contract to purchase a home.  Refinance is the changing of the terms on the original purchase mortgage.  You would need an existing mortgage in place to refinance.

For example a family has a purchase mortgage in place.  They are making payments toward their home loan.  The owner participates in credit repair service that raises the scores on the credit report.  The owner presents the improved credit report to a lender for refinancing. 

The purpose of the refinancing is to secure a lower interest rate on the existing balance of the loan and retain more resources within the house hold.

This simple link facilitates immediate access to a trusted credit repair service

Wisconsin Credit Repair Nerds Provides:

- pre-staging process to save consumers time
- incremental pricing to better fit your budget
- each individual receives their own secure online portal
- person to person help from down to earth staff

email: lkutzke.crn@gmail.com

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