Friday, February 1, 2013

Wisconsins PATH ALONG and Interrelationships of Care Provision

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG model transforms the inpatient experience in order to achieve a significant reduction in the readmission rate.  PATH ALONG takes consistent steps to reduce readmission rates for a broad range of  hospitalized seniors with a chronic disease process.

As an inpatient the persons diagnosis is treated and the medications adjusted with the primary goal of getting the senior discharged.   This is a different service than addressing the factors that caused the admission to the hospital in the first place.  The PATH ALONG model is an inclusive design that focuses on the importance of collaborative efforts.

The PATH ALONG model expands the hospital settings ability to apprehend the interrelationships of involved providers while guiding the patients path to the desired medical plan of care goals.  A sound approach to identifying ongoing evidence that specific system processes reduce hospital readmissions.  This is important cause in Wisconsin community hospitals often transfer patients with a higher need in to a hospital with advanced care systems in place.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG is a unique model that fits the idea that the cause of hospital readmissions seems to span multiple varied providers across the entire continuum of patient care delivery.  An ongoing service with built in quality improvement that includes taking a fresh look at root causes and documenting counter measures.

PATH ALONG places high importance on communication and collaboration of involved organizations in the effort to implement improvements in the system of care that serves a mutual population.  A service that fosters communication with a long term approach to developing lines of collaborative participation  resulting in a measure of care assurance.

Wisconsin's PATH ALONG is an evidence based model with 3 defined services to help the hospitalist fulfill their continuity of care role.  The focus is on care filled transitions.   Call 608-432-4286 to schedule service or email  Please click on the site below with free access for additional information


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