Saturday, September 25, 2010

Right Brain Thinker Home Care Path

Each half of the human brain has its own strengths and weaknesses. Right brain thinkers have their own way of processing information. Right brained thinkers (unconscious mind) can be very spontaneous and creative. Right brain thinkers experience rapid, complex, and spatial thoughts. Right brain thinkers have access to depth of mind and can be proficient with symbols. Characteristics attributed to the right brain thinker indlude:
1. playful in solving problems
2. respond to events with emotion
3. interpret body language easily
4. have a good sense of humor
5. process information subjectively
6. improvise
7. use metaphors and analogoies when describing something
8. deal with several problems at once
9. use hands a lot in conversation
10. notice patterns and think in pictures
11. see solutions as approximate and evolving
12. not realize all that you know

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