Saturday, August 30, 2014

Screening For Ebola Coming To A Locaton Near You

Colleges today have a global reach providing educational services for arriving travelers.  Expect schools to develop (a plan) policy to address the risk of ebola.   Ebola changes so expect the processes to have ongoing updates.

Campus settings will need to know the closest inpatient setting that can serve transfers from the college location.  The medical lab will need to be biologic level 2 safety cabinet with use of BSL 3 plus precautions.  Always notify the lab prior to sending anything. Notify the public health department immediately with any concerns. 

Twenty one days has been defined as the period of time with increased risk.  Travelers arriving from areas near the presence of identified instances of ebola infection may be asked to monitor their body temperature.  A body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees would require additional assessment. 

On site policy may involve the person wearing a mask to reduce droplets if tolerated.  The person could be sent home if the trip does not involve public transportation.  The campus may have a single room with private bathroom available for the individual to stay in.  The single room should have a secure door that remains closed most of the time.   A pre-assembled kit should be available with supplies for the purpose of reducing the frequency of staff interaction.  The body temperature would continue to be monitored.  Zero symptoms after 21 days of arriving is considered safe. 

Extra planning is thought to help reduce the level of individual and group trauma experienced should a person infected with ebola need medical care in the United States. 

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin

Web site



 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Monday, August 25, 2014

FDA Sentinel Initiative Technological Upgrade

The (FDA) Food and Drug Administration exists to protect the public health.  In an effort to update their internal process the program titled Sentinel Initiative began in May of 2008. 
 Below lists a rough project outline.

Program: Sentinel Initiative

Authority: Food and Drug Administration

Started: May 2008

Backbone: Technological Upgrade

Level of Operation: National

Purpose: Track informatics on drugs, biologics, medical devices, for evidence of safety

Description: Participating data holders (electronic health record storage, medical insurance data base) analyze requests and formulate responses to be sent back to the FDA within secure transmission standards.

This is a national program leveraging technology to mine big data to strengthen the process of evaluating the safe use of marketed products.

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin

Web site



 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Pneumonia and Basin's Predictive Capacity Senior Living Needs

Pneumonia is infection which pools fluid and mucus which inhibits delivery of fresh oxygen through the lungs to the blood stream.  Quality of life is reduced with difficulty breathing, air hunger.  The risk is death. 

The Basin analytic process identifies changes in one measure which can (correlate) predict change in another measure.  Occurrence plays a role in how risk is characterized.  An immediate point of emphasis lies with a population that has been previously hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia. 

Basin process assesses causality which helps determine why something is happening.  The (CDC) Centers for Disease Control correlates flu diagnosis with pneumonia.  Flu weakens the bodies natural (immune system) mechanisms which contributes to pneumonia often requiring a hospitalization. 

The correlation between cases of flu and pneumonia is why annual flu vaccines continue as a national public health strategy to decrease cost and lessen financial risk across medical delivery systems.  Basin  moves analysis from the one size fits all population approach to an individualized performance management process.

Basin then includes these seemingly unavailable data metrics.  Determining a history of a hospitalization for pneumonia.  Individualized patient allergies (undesired symptoms) to the drugs prescribed to treat pneumonia as outpatient.  History of pneumococcal resistance where the bug has evolved causing certain drugs not to work as well. 

This is a comprehensive application that strengthens the personalized care delivery movement.  Reports involve individual preferences in relation to emerging patterns of medical delivery occurrence.  This biopsychosocial venue defines intersecting causalities when interventions require an evidence based characterization. 

The context of the real time period speaks to the level of service need.   Quality of life is thought to improve.  Cost and risk are thought to decrease .  Interventions are thought to be more effective.  The individual senior consumer can experience a stronger perception of empowerment improving engagement.  

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin

Web site



 Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life