Friday, September 21, 2012

VA Contentions The Claims Process

Contentions speak to the veterans loss of mental or physical capability related to military service.  Today's veterans are likely to survive their service but can have a high number of contentions per claim.  Each identified change related to military service (knee pain, back ache, PTSD etc) is listed as a contention for consideration with the total claim. 

The VA uses a schedule for rating disabilites that determines how much mental or physical capacity has been removed by military service. Each contention generates a percentage rating, which is cumulative for the over all claim. The total of the percentages is used to formulate compensation and determine a medical level of services.   A very ill veteran could be rated at a medical need level that result in  urgent hospital access with no copay and reduced cost of medication refills.

The VA claims process is complicated and time consuming.  Veterans and their family's are encouraged to schedule a meeting with an accredited American Legion Service Officer who is familiar with the wording on the forms, and specific evidence needed.   The service officer can help the veteran and family keep the claim in a forward motion.  Consistent participation is a big part of completing the VA claims process. 

Home Care Path is a leading senior care provider serving south central Wisconsin.  Services include:
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-inpatient advocacy for safe successful hospital stays
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-temporary help with a scheduled day surgery
-down sizing home contents when stuff matters
-communicate face to face on the computer across long distances
Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an in home interview.  2012 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Email  We accept long term care insurance.  We can be there when you are working.  Services are tax deducible.  Valuing home and human life.

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