Friday, June 15, 2012

Doctor Zorba Paster The Longevity Code On Alzheimer's

In the book The Longevity Code by famed author Doctor Zorba Paster is information helpful in better understanding Alzheimer's disease.  Doctor Zorba Paster describes Alzheimer's, senility or dementia as a permanent, progressive decline in intellectual function.  This limits the ability to process facts, memorize information, and appropriately act on it.  Over time it interferes substantially with a person's usual social and economic activity. 

Despite many theories, bio science does not have evidence to support a known cause for this disease.  Suggested theories include loss of viable cells in the cerebral cortex, fragmentation and disorganization with brain connections, and an increase in protein amyloid have been on the list of causes.

Preventive measures have been suggested as a way to lessen the progression and severity of the symptoms of the disease.  Suggestions include:
-aspirin a day to enhance and maintain adequate blood circulation
-avoid excessive alcohol consumption
-treat high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol
-have your thyroid checked (can effect memory function)
-avoid sports and activity that could result in a head injury or trauma
-keep learning, use your mind

Suggestions on this list are believed to help stall the progression of the Alzheimer's disease process.  Home Care Path staff have noted the benefit an individual can sense from having a predictable routine.  Managing change by reducing the seniors perception of outside stressors can help reduce the severety of symptoms. 

Home Care Path is a leading senior care provider serving south central Wisconsin.  Services include:
1. in home staffing for elders
2. inpatient advocacy for safe successful hospital stays
3. transitional counseling when a more structured service is needed
4. temporary help with a scheduled day surgery
5. communicating face to face across long distances on computer
6. reducing home contents when stuff matters
Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an in home interview.  2012 rates are 20.00 per hour.  We can be there when you are working.  email Valuing home and human life.

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