Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wisconsin Dells Area Adult Day Care Survey

Home Care Path a leading provider of senior care services is researching the feasibility of an affordable day care service in the Wisconsin Dells area. Survey results are updated as they arrive at . The survey steps beyond the typical "is there adequate senior stay at home options in the Wisconsin Dells Area" to assess community planners readiness.

The survey assesses community planners readiness for the change taking place to accomidate the aging of the population. As the United States population ages most public funded programs will continue to reduce service in the wake of high utilization. This means clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes are being called on to serve more people with less staff. Less staff translates to less time being spent with each individual patient.

Access to over night stays in hospitals will require the presence of severe symptoms. Those admitted to hospitals and nursing homes will be much more ill. Discharge planning can be more time consuming when you are dealing with a population of very ill individuals.

The past community planners paradigm of sending the senior to the clinic and if needed on to the hospital, and if needed on to the nursing home and Medicare pays for the needs is no longer valid. Seniors are being confronted with conditions that require additonal assistance and medicare will not pay for the help. Existing discharge planners find it difficult to vere from the traditional paradigm of clinic to hospital to nursing home and medicare is the pay source.

This survey is designed to assess the readiness of community planners to accept the changes taking place with the old paradigm. Many discharge planners are being forced to become familiar with all the options available in the community. Two well documented options that medicare does not pay for include 1. In home long term chronic care providers and 2. assisted living buildings one would leave home and move in to. Two options that fill the care gap being left by changes that have reduced the effectiveness of the old paradigm.

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