Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Simple Truths Keep The Care Coordinator In Biz

There exists a list of simple truths that insure a care coordinator in private practice will continue to have consumers requesting service.  For your review:

1. Health insurance plans will not pay for long term care planning as individuals frequently switch carriers.

2. A primary care provider is compensated for treating disease not spending time planning with the patient population.

3. Specialty providers do not participate in the multidisciplinary team approach , their service is intermittent intervention.

4. Electronic medical records mandate has no interoperability standards so computers do not communicate well across providers.

5. Physicians are compensated on face to face based visits, which does not accommodate technological changes like emails, text memo, and more.

6. University medical research centers have not transitioned to educating students on the integration of systems approach.

7. A comprehensive data base communicating drug effectiveness and cost comparison is not available.

This above list provides a continuous patient population in need of the services a care coordinator can deliver. 

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Testing Advances Shift Medical Clinic Staffing

The structure of the staff serving the population using the medical clinic has changed.  The individual doctor (primary care provider) with the help of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) can now see many more patients on a daily schedule. 

The medical clinic staff now use technological advances in diagnostic testing to maintain the safety and quality standards with delivering care to greater numbers of people.  The clinic visit which involved a lengthy interview and thorough physical exam is replaced with trips to ancillary staff who can perform the prescribed diagnostic test.

The doctor interprets the testing values as a way to provide evidence for the prescribed treatment. Follow up tests (ongoing monitoring) can demonstrate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Understand that by serving more individuals and performing advanced diagnostic testing processes this will result in a capturing of more symptoms of disease that require costly treatment.   Health care spending increased from an average of 2854 dollars per person in 1990 to 8915 dollars per person in 2012 according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The theory is that early identification with fast treatment will reduce cost associated with treating a disease process that has been left to evolve.  Today's clinical staff have a greater dependence upon ancillary staff who perform advance testing processes designed to strengthen the primary providers diagnosis and treatment plan.

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Electronic Medical Records Send In The Company Consultants

Remember ebay the multinational internet consumer to consumer online marketplace.  Shortly after establishing initial phases of the electronic platform, the ebay consultant took over the stage.  The ebay consultant was available to help with inventory control, listing strategies, bidding enhancers, market expansion and more.

This same service pattern is expected  to flow from the instillation of soft ware programs that facilitate electronic medical records.   Large technology providers will advise the contracted medical organization that it has been a significant period of time since your participation started.  Now, we would like to have a company consultant schedule time to be certain your internal utilization is best suited to the progression of your needs.

Promotional material will begin to be distributed announcing how the soft ware company has branched out to offer consultant services for the contracted electronic medical records accounts.  This will be a more personalized way to keep the contracted medical records accounts in tune with the soft ware companies approaching changes and upgrades.

Home Care Path encourages the reader to watch as the large electronic medical records companies send in the consultants.

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Diagnostic Evidence Precurser to a Diagnosis of Clinical Depression

Recent neuroscience study results released from The University of Cambridge in Central London through Joe Herbert and Barbara Sahakian identify a biological component of sub clinical depression.  Elevated cortisol levels and depression like symptoms in male teens can be correlated to a later diagnosis of clinical depression.

The cortisol test involves spitting in test tubes that are carried along for the day.  The tubes are then mailed in to the participating lab for analysis.  Saliva cortisol testing has been covered by Plan B Medicare which supports the accepted level of accuracy of the test.

The provider can use the elevated cortisol lab values along with the verbalized depression like symptoms to determine a future risk of a diagnosis of clinical depression. Having a biological (elevated cortisol) value to strengthen the assessment improves access to proper, effective treatment.

The staff of Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG  model applaud this very important discovery which will improve prevention efforts aimed at the treatment of symptoms of depression.

Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life   

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Did You Say Doctor Shortage

Since 1965 the medical delivery system has been balancing a patients access to a primary health system provider with Nurse Lorretta Ford and Physician Henry Silver's creation of the first training program for Nurse Practitioners.  The Nurse Practitioner was trained to perform the tasks a Medical Doctor would typically do for a patient seeking help.

This put the idea of serving more individuals by pushing acuity down the continuum of health care delivery in to play.  The specially trained Nurse performed the duties of a Doctor as a lower cost alternative.  The health care system has continued the push down to the next lower cost alternative since then.

Today the push is felt with shorter hospital stays, and higher acuity being transitioned to the home setting.  Technology assists the surgeon to perform a less invasive out patient procedure and  the patient is sent home to recover.  Because help at home is much lower cost than a nights stay in the hospital , recovery in the individuals residence is being adapted as a means to cut total Medicare (Public Funded) Medicaid expenditures.

The patient is challenged to arrange for a supportive home care organization to coordinate the staff needed to insure a safe post procedure recovery.  If the help needed by the individual in the home has been categorized as nonmedical a pay source can take some time to determine.  Often the pay source is an out of pocket investment by the patient and family.

Wisconsin contracts with Care Management Organizations to deliver the Family Care, IRIS, and Wisconsin Partnership Programs which would assess for and coordinate the additional supportive home care staffing needed following a scheduled outpatient procedure.

Home Care Path encourages individuals meeting with a specialty provider to be sure and ask if you would benefit from the temporary help of a supportive care organization following your scheduled surgery. 

 Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Novelos NVLT Therapeutics Madison Wisconsin Follows LIGHT

Novelos Therapeutics stock symbol NVLT (about .40 a share) was founded in 2002 and has headquarters in Madison Wisconsin.  Novelos Therapeutics propels LIGHT (NM404) toward 2nd trial phase I-124-CLR-1404.  The trial employs a small molecule (agent) to identify tumors using PET/CT scans. 

The LIGHT molecule (agent) helps providers go from just seeing changes in form and density to delivering more functional biochemical information which facilitates a diagnosis and treatment plan.  The radio iodinated phospholipid adheres and lights up the cancer cells.

Improving a providers ability to accurately view and determine a size to the effected area can prove beneficial when calculating the optimal amount of medication to be given when treating the cancer.  This helps monitor size and document evidence of the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

If the 2nd trial phase goes well Novelos Therapeutics will announce LIGHT (small molecule) properly identifies a type of brain cancer cells called glioma.  Home Care Path and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG Model wish Novelos Therapeutics the best of success in the 2nd trial phase.

 Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Friday, February 7, 2014

Jiayun Xu John Hopkins and Re-hospitalizations Study

The John Hopkins University is a private research University in Baltimore Maryland.  This is a modern research University founded in 1876.   The (CMS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have made it clear that re-hospitalizations are no longer an accepted part of the medical care delivery system.  Jiayun Xu is the principal investigating nurse in a grant funded study to help prevent hospital readmissions.

The focus of the study is listed as :
Decision making prior to re-hospitalization among patients with heart failure.  Researcher Jiayun Xu received an 84,464.00 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  Jiayun Xu also received a 5,000.00 grant from the American Nurses Foundation (ANF). 

This is research money to promote an ongoing assessment of the effectiveness and potential harms of transitional care interventions which can be used to create policy and modify clinical decision making about strategies to reduce readmission rates among adults with heart failure.  This includes geriatrics, chronic disease and transitions of care. The study period is listed as 2013 to 2014.

Home Care Path and the PATH ALONG model will be watching for the findings of this research study.  This is an important approach to incorporating safety and quality to the care process while managing the readmission rate.

 Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EMR integrates Drug Robots

The (EMR) electronic medical record helps integrate robotic delivery of drugs in the hospital setting.  The hospitalist inserts an order that includes the medication name, dose, route, and frequency of administration.  The pharmacist reviews the order and forwards it to the appropriate drug robot for production. 

Robots depend on the (EMR) electronic medical record for input.  Prompted through a technological connection a robot makes up injectable or the fluid bags filled with drugs such as antibiotics given intravenously.  A bar code accessorized robot picks pills and tablets, grouped to match a recent MD order.  A robot safely transports the medication to the identified nursing unit.

This integration of the pharmacy, robots, electronic medical record, and medical provider affords the Doctor and Pharmacist the opportunity to shed a bit of the manual preparation activities.  These providers can then utilize their expertise in a more human to human equation. 

  Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Price Point In the Name of Hospital Transparency

The (WHA) Wisconsin Hospital Association employs the Wisconsin Price Point System within the WHA Information Center.  The WHA Information Center is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Wisconsin Hospital Association.

The Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center operates from 5510 Research Park Drive, Madison Wisconsin 53711.  Contracted since 2003 with the Department of Administration to collect information.  A user friendly web platform with a design that demonstrates accountability for transparency. 

This facilitates the distribution of current, accurate information related to charges and services being delivered through Wisconsin Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgery Centers.   A care manager can speculate on the expected investment a client with worsening symptoms of pneumonia will experience.  Listing an average inpatient stay with a diagnosis of pneumonia as 3.2 days.  The average daily charge being 6,173.00.  The average total charge being 19,912.00. 

This gives the community a better understanding of the revenue a 3 day hospital stay can generate. 
Connecting service provided to the expense generated can help long term health planners determine safe and sound policy directed at containing over all cost. 

The identified trend is shorter hospital inpatient stays and more treatments and procedures performed in the outpatient clinic setting.  Outpatient specialty delivery settings and processes are consistently being improved to maintain productive and safe operation.

  Home Care Path celebrates 4 years of successfully serving seniors in South Central Wisconsin


 App  http://appsmakerstore.com/appim/j6kcdet8xvwk4s

Blog  http://homecarepathseniorcare.blogspot.com/

 Home Care Path  www.homecarepath.com and the Wisconsin PATH ALONG model deliver an advanced supportive care service.  Helping seniors in the home, with clinic visits, at the hospital, nursing home and assisted living facility.  Helping seniors downsize with a move in to an adult child's home. 2014 rates are 20.00 per hour.  Simply call 608-432-4286 to schedule an interview.  We can be there when you are working.  We accept long term care insurance.  Services can be tax deductible.  Help with resources and the transition from private payment to public funded programming.  Valuing home and human life